Paris, France

Ah Paris. A city I had been dreaming of visiting since I was a little girl enamoured with Madeline. With high hopes, many people told me the city of love would dissapoint, but from the moment I first caught a glimpse of the very top of the Eiffel Tower, I knew this city would exceed those dreams. There is something truly magical in arriving in a city like Paris. Getting lost among the streets and follwing the Tour Eiffel to find your way back. Gazing at the sun setting on the gorgeous archeticture. Ordering croissants and nutella crepès and èclairs in high school french. Tasting fresh bread and dark chocolate and cheese in boulangeries et chocolateries et fromaegeries. Walking along the River Seine. Paris was just as magical as all the books I've read, magazine spreads I've gazed at and shows I've watched. And the most magical part of all was discovering it all for myself.

This Parisienne dinner remains one of my favourite meals of all time. After shopping along the Champs de Elyseè, we wandered along the River Seine, before stumbling across this resturant/bar overlooking the Notre Dame. We sipped on fresh juices, ate too much bread and spent the whole meal telling each other how lucky we were to be in Paris.