hello fresh

I'm prefacing this article by admitting I am not, in anyway a chef. In fact, for dinner tonight I'm legit eating a can of salmon popped on some salad leaves lol. I guess you can say I'm a bit lazy when it comes to cooking. Which is why I got SO much out of my week with Hello Fresh. It made me realise it's not so much the cooking I don't enjoy - its the thinking of what to make, the staring into the fridge looking for ingredients - and then realising of course that, whoops you are missing the most crucial ones.
Hello Fresh takes away all the annoying bits of cooking by delivering a magical box to your door. The ingredients for each meal were all cutely packaged in a brown paper bag. All I had to do was follow the recipe cards and voila - simple, easy and nutritious dinners ready to eat (and finally make me feel like a little bit of a chef!). My personal faves were the Greek Style Chicken Salad and the Thai Red Curry Veggie Bowl - so yum, and I even had left overs for lunch the next day.
I can't wait for my next order! Click here to make your own order and receive $35 off your first box. Highly, highly recommend.